
Am Freitag 12. August steigt im Escherwyss Club in Zürich der Event ADDICTED TO FASHION! Ein spezieller Abend für alle Fashion-Fans. Es wird vieles zu sehen und erleben geben! Kommt und seit dabei. 
Bist du ein Fashion Addict? Und willst am 12. August den Escherwyss Club rocken? – Dann nichts wie los, SCHREIB MIR DEN GRUND WARUM GERADE DU AN DIESEM EINMALIGEN EVENT DABEI SEIN MUSST, und du bist der/die Gewinner/in von 2 VIP-Tickets für "Addicted to Fashion"-Event.

4 Kommentare:

  1. dabai:) ha mitem jakob s'ustuschjahr gmacht..kenne ihn also höchstpersönlich:) ^^

  2. Wäre ein schmackhafter Auftakt zu den Fashion Days, an denen du hoffentlich auch dabei bist :) und weil dein Blog so super ist & dieser Event darin erscheinen darf, was was heissen muss :)

  3. Hello, my name is Romina. I'm an 18 years old blogger and student. I tried to find your email adress but didn't, so that's why I'm writing it as a comment. (And sorry I don't speak that well german.)

    I think you have gone threw many emails from now with a lot of reason why would "I" be the one to get this VIP tickets. I guess I will take my chance and give you the reason why would I be the lucky one.

    Fashion has always been my passion since years. I keep up with every trends that's out. I appriecate the work of every designers. My biggest dream would be to work in the Fashion world, as I have tried to enter in an artistic school (in Fashion) but didn't get in, I will not get my hopes down and will keep up in making my dream come true. This event can be a step closer to this dream. I live in Lausanne which is quite far but will still be coming no matter the distance. Although I have a blog, and this can be an opportunity to share with the readers part of my passion. I hope you will consider me as a potential candidate even though I'm sure there has been many other people who has writen to you many reasons.

    I'm sure this is going to be a great event and I will be able to meet you.

    XX Romina from http://blaststyle.blogspot.com
