My little baby is finally born.
On 20th of September I'll start studying Style &Design at the higher school of art in Zürich. That means I will be confronted by a lot of art and fashion stuff. I'am looking forward to this time.
Fashion&Art is my life...and now it's your turn, authorize you for a little insight.
Have a lot of fun and let me know what do you think about my posts. I'am always interest in comments.
hi. Jeanine oder? das isch doch di blog?
AntwortenLöschenvoll gail, was do machsch, bi rächt überwäutiget.
hmm, auso dr blog isch super..obe hesch gschribe, das mr dr gärn söue feedbacks gä. s blogarchiv menü isch rächt unübersichtlech ufe ersch momänt.
aber ej, das isch ächt krass, du heschs ja voll druf!
g tim
hehe ja das isch mi blog^^wiä hesch de dä gfunde?..du bisch scho dr tim usem tanze oder?:P
AntwortenLöschenhehe ja danke..hamer müäh gä :) cool, dass drs gfaut..freut mi! isch haut änglisch :P de isches emu worldwide verständlich :D
schöne obe!